Your health and wellness is our top priority.
Our team prioritizes the time needed to educate you on the connection between oral health and overall wellbeing during your biyearly wellness checks and cleanings. These wellness checks give us the opportunity to catch any conditions or problems before they turn into something more serious.
With these checks and cleanings, our goal is to enrich you with the knowledge necessary to minimize your chances of having any issues at all, as well as the knowledge needed to quickly catch any issue if one were to arise.
Your biyearly checkup
We suggest that each and every patient should have at least two checks and cleanings each year. Although regular brushing and flossing are equally essential, there are hard to reach areas that only a professional cleaning can reach.
Aside from helping patients establish hygiene maintenance programs, our wellness checks include oral cancer screenings, the use of the intra-oral camera, and digital films allowing for the most minimal radiation dose.
Continued hygiene at home
Biyearly checks and cleanings are extremely important, however, the oral hygiene battle is won at home. During one of your biyearly checks and cleanings, we will help you establish a personalized hygiene regimen created specifically for you.
We’ll show you specific areas to focus on when brushing and flossing. We’ll also suggest specific products to use and how, when, and where to use them..
Schedule an appointment today.